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Indian Head Massage

Originating from India, this type of massage has been used for over 2,000 years as part of the ancient, medical system, Ayurveda.​ Still used widely today, its holistic approach to health​ aims to bring about a sense of peacefulness in both mind and body whilst also working on balancing the energies within.


​​Physical benefits of this type of massage can include relief from aches and pains held in the body, particularly chronic neck and shoulder pain, often seen with people who work long hours at a computer. Blood flow is stimulated which in turn circulates more oxygen to the brain, bringing about many mental benefits, and more oxygen is delivered to the scalp which can encourage hair growth.

The areas massaged contribute to a better flow of lymph around the body facilitating the removal of toxins, complementing your body's natural detox system.


Mental benefits include feeling relaxed and calm leading to clearer thinking and improved concentration. It is known to encourage deep, restful sleep patterns leaving you feeling energised and leading into a more alert state of being during the day.  With the release of feel good hormones, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins during the massage, you are likely to leave in a happier state of mind, reducing feelings of anxiety and stress.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


This type of massage is carried out in a seated position and is performed over clothing so all you have to do is bring your wonderful self to the session and relax into the massage, leaving behind the stresses of the day.


Areas massaged -

Upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, head, face


Situated in Kingston

Available to travel within London

Young woman massaging the head of another young woman
Young woman looking relaxed, sitting down, receiving an Indian head massage.

Please read

Massage is one of the safest forms of therapy, however, there are certain circumstances when either massage should be temporarily avoided or medical advice will be needed prior to receiving the massage.

Please read here to find out more.

Get in touch

To book a private session or an event, feel free to contact me

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